Who Rescued Whom wins People's Choice Award

This piece won Best in Show at the recent CPSA District Chapter 119 exhibition.  It also won People's Choice.  Sometimes I get it right.

"Who Rescued whom?" Framed and in the gallery window.

Finished, framed and in The Row House Gallery  window. Nancy Meyers, Row House framing designer extraordinaire, stands behind Who Rescued Whom? Next week on to the next venue, the CPSA Chapter 119 Exhibition in Mariemont OH.  See us there.

Newest piece in the works

Working diligently on this, to finish and frame, for our CPSA District Chapter 119 show in December, at The Barn- Woman's Art Club Cultural Arts Center, 6980 Cambridge Ave, Mariemont OH 45227. This is a portrait of my dear friend's Dad who is bonding with his little rescue dog "Spooky."

CPSA 20th Annual International Exhibition Opening today!

See "On Scent" among its peers.  If you are local- you have to see this show! You won't believe what artists can do with colored pencils! 20th Annual CPSA International Exhibition, Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center, Covington KY July 13- August 30,2012 Meet The Artists: August 4, 4-6pm Gallery Hours:Mon-Fri10am-5pm/Sat Noon-3pm