"Chief" voted 4th place in People's Choice at CPSA Chapter District 119 Exhibition.

Yes, I am tooting my own horn.  I just started to show my work, so can't help but jump up and down like a kid, every time my art is lauded - just can't help it. Though I respect  the expert opinion of the person(s) chosen to judge a show, it's just as important for me to know how my work is viewed by those who attend. When "Chief" was passed over by the judge at the recent CPSA District Chapter 119 Exhibition at Sharon Woods, Sharonville Ohio, I admit I was surprised.  In my opinion, Chief is one of my strongest pieces. So, it's nice to hear that  out of the 270 people who cast a vote, "Chief" came in 4th. Competition is healthy.

Teeth wins award!

"Teeth" wins an award and a bronze medal in the Woman's Art Club of Cincinnati (the oldest woman' s art club in the country,) 118th Annual Juried Exhibit.   I am proud to be a part of this beautiful show.  The exhibit will  be open April 14-17, April 21 - 24, April 28 - May1 from 1 - 4 pm., Mariemont Ohio.

Ears in the mail and on its way to International Animals in Art show

"Ears" was selected to be in the International Exhibition on Animals in Art hosted by Louisiana State university School of Veterinary Medicine. I'm very excited about this.  Out of 516 entries, only 75 were chosen. With any luck I'll be on the cover of JAVMA again. There will be an opening reception on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 6:00pm in the LSU SVM Library.

Rottweiler Prints Available $30.00

Recently seen on the cover of JAVMA -The Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association, June15, 2010, this print is available matted for $30.00 or framed for $120.00-shipping included. Final dimension:12"x12"