
Chubs a 12 year old Corgi with lymphoma, lasted longer than expected. He held on through Christmas 2012 for a family reunion and beyond- spending his last months with his best friend, who was parted from him and sent to Afghanistan early this year. Soon after, Chubs quietly let go and passed on. His boy, my nephew, is returning to the states in a few months.  This is a gift. Sh-h-h-h! 

Stripes Hooligan is finished!

This is "Stripes Hooligan" completed. He is a little under 16x20". I used Prismacolor pencils, Prisma Artstix, Luminance Caran D'arch pencils and solvents on linen. The reference photos are mine; the cat a rescue from the Family Animal Hospital in Batavia who now resides with me. I painted this as my entry to a competition.  We'll see what happens.  I already have two interested buyers.

Go quickly!

This is a little piece I started Friday and finished today.  It measures 10 x 6.5" and was painted on a silk mat board. Due to texture and reflection it is a little difficult to photograph. This is the best I can do today.  Anyway, the point is, after hours and hours of work on a bigger piece, with no end in sight, I decided to stop for a bit to do something easy and fun.  This is called Roadside.

Love Color!

This WIP of Thomas the cat has turned into an exploration of values and color. By taking a very simple subject, I'm able to focus on light and how color changes as it becomes shadow. I haven't completed the background yet, but will give myself some time to walk around the piece.  So far, I'm pretty pleased.

Light, Shadow and Cats!

You may notice that I have been painting and drawing cats all summer. My gallery person says she likes my cats and horses the best. I have never really thought about specializing in one particular subject until recently. There are many CP artists who so consistently stick to one subject or style that they are branded. One of my heros, Ester Roi,  is a CP artist and inventor, known for giant technicolored pebbles. Her palette is so striking, that whatever she chooses to paint, be it flowers or pebbles, there's no doubt that it's hers. From a business stand point branding is good.  An artist needs to be recognized.  And with so many of us out there competing for your wall space, recognition is key. So I'm going to continue painting cats for a while.  They are fascinating creatures, with one foot in the wild and the other in our homes. They are graceful, beautiful and mysterious. I will continue also to explore light and texture and how they describe the subject.  This WIP cat is Thomas.  He lives at the veterinary clinic where I work as a vet assistant. He pretty much OWNS the place! Stay tuned to see how he develops.