Stripes Hooligan is in Art Comes Alive 2015

I was just informed that my colored pencil painting  "Stripes Hooligan" was accepted into ADC's ACA 2015 exihbition in Cincinnati.

That is a lot of letters!  It is a fancy affair.  I might actually have to get dressed up:)


Accepted into Manifest Gallery Drawn Exhibition! Opening Friday April 17th 6:00-9:00. Be There!

Please allow me to toot my horn! "Departing" is accepted into the Manifest Gallery DRAWN exhibit. 36 pieces form 27 artists chosen out of 1188 entries by 394 artists. Opening reception April 17th. This is a big deal for me.  Manifest Gallery is an amazing non profit organization that shows and promotes very current work through its publications as well as exhibitions. Acceptance into DRAWN makes me feel relevant. And believe me when I tell you, it has been a long windy road to arrive at this point!!

Stripes Hooligan is finished!

This is "Stripes Hooligan" completed. He is a little under 16x20". I used Prismacolor pencils, Prisma Artstix, Luminance Caran D'arch pencils and solvents on linen. The reference photos are mine; the cat a rescue from the Family Animal Hospital in Batavia who now resides with me. I painted this as my entry to a competition.  We'll see what happens.  I already have two interested buyers.


Last year I wrote an article about my 10 steps. I created a paintng and documented the highs and lows. It is something that is consistent in my process. Knowing this makes it easier for me to commit to the more ambitious pieces as well as increases the likelihood I will finish. No matter how bad it gets I know that persistence will pay off. The results speak for themselves. Sometimes they even work. The main thing is to KEEP GOING.

I don't just paint portraits....

Here's my Rip Van Winkle Creek painting finished and ready for a good home.  It presently hangs in The Row House Gallery in Milford Oh. (  It will soon hang in the  CPSA Chapter 119 show in Mariemont OH.  If interested, contact Row House Gallery.  My artist demonstration of the creation of this piece will be in the January issue of Ann Kullburg's Colored Pencil Magazine.  Stay tuned.

Check out my Etsy Site, new stuff.

This is a miniature abstract landscape, measuring 5x6.5" I painted this for a solvent and Prismacolor demonstration, to be used in an article on Landscapes that I'm writing for Ann Kullberg.  It will be in the January 2013 issue of her  CP Magazine.  People like it so much I've placed it for sale on my Etsy site. If interested, click on SHOP.

Schmoozing at the Fair of the Arts.

Beautiful blustery Saturday at the Fair of the Arts in Anderson Township Ohio. Many people, strolling through lovely Beech Acre Park, stopped by to see my art. I'm hoping one or two will become a Pepper Portraits patron.